Sunday, February 16, 2020

Homily for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sirach 15:15-20
1 Corinthians 2:6-10
Matthew 5:17-37

In today's Gospel, Jesus proceeds to remind us of what can only be described in today's culture and society as the hard teachings or the hard sayings of our faith. Many of us can define what mortal sin is because we were taught it in school or in Catechism, but a great many people don't understand where the definitions actually come from. The reality is that much of the definition of what constitutes mortal sin for the Christian-for the practicing Catholic-comes from today's Gospel.

In the first reading from the book of Sirach, we are reminded that we can keep the Commandments. Even though we have all sinned, Scripture repeatedly reminds us that we have the capability to keep God's Commandments in our lives if we are open to the Graces that we need in order to do so. The Bible tells us that the commands of God are not grievous. (cf. 1 John 5:3) It is important to remember that God understands our human weaknesses, He understands that we sin, but that doesn't mean that He's okay with it.

Jesus tells those who are listening to Him, both in His own time, as well as us hearing him two thousand years later through the words of the text, that he did not come to abolish the law, he came to fulfill it. In the Gospel, he doesn't do away with the Commandments of God and tell us we no longer have to obey them, as even some preachers today falsely teach. Instead, Jesus sets an even higher standard for what it means to obey God than many of His listeners had ever heard before. He tells them whoever fails to obey these Commandments, even the least of them-and teaches others to do so-will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, but the person will be called greatest who observes the Commandments of God and teaches others to do the same.

Our righteousness, says Jesus, has to surpass that of the Scribes and Pharisees. What does He mean by that? The Scribes and Pharisees had the outward appearance of being followers of the Lord. They not only obeyed the law of Moses, but they obeyed a strict rabbinic code that was designed to help them maintain outward legal purity. What this meant in reality was that many of the Pharisees were following the law of God in an outward way, but within their hearts they were anything but pure.

Jesus tells us that not only are we to avoid murder, but we are even to avoid anger with our brother-our neighbor. What Jesus means by this is that we cannot hang on to our anger or sore feelings, as scripture tells us, "do not let the sun go down on your wrath." if we do hang on to our anger, Jesus says that we are liable to judgment in just the same way as if we had killed that person. If we call a brother a fool, discounting their value as a human being, we are liable to the fires of Hell, Jesus says. Do we have something against another person, do we have something we need to settle? Jesus says we shouldn't offer sacrifice to God until we settle our issues with those around us. As far as practical application, that ideally means that we should settle our grudges and our issues with others before we come to the house of God for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

When Jesus reminds us of the command of God not to commit adultery, he doesn't simply restate the law, and he certainly doesn't do away with it, as some misguided people would have us believe. Instead, Jesus tells us that we are guilty of adultery if we so much as lust after another person. We are guilty if we dwell on the sinful thought, not merely if we commit the act itself. Jesus raises the bar to a level that many in our society today might say that they find difficult to live out. The temptation to the sins of the flesh are everywhere to be found in our culture today, and because of the internet they are so easily accessible, when for centuries they were hidden from the view of the wider society. Yet Jesus asks us to live a life of chastity according to our state in life.

Jesus' repeated command in the Gospels against divorce and remarriage have been virtually overlooked by the entire Protestant world, and many Catholics only come in contact with this vital teaching about sacramental Matrimony when they come to the Church seeking to be reconciled and petitioning for a declaration of nullity. (Mind you, in no way am I saying that someone shouldn't do that if they have been in an invalid marital situation-that's why we have the annulment process-but it is terribly sad that for many people, the Church's teaching on the nature of marriage is not something they have been taught or fully confronted for one reason or another until they come to the Church needing to have the sacramental validity of a previous marital situation clarified). Jesus raises the bar of Holy Matrimony, telling us that Matrimony- sacred marriage- is between one man and one woman for life. Civil divorce does not bring an end to the Sacrament of Matrimony, and the Church clearly teaches us that civil divorce should only be used as a last resort or when it is the only option (cf. CCC 2382-2386), never as a solution to the problems that most married people confront in married life.

Considering all that Jesus tells us in the Gospel that is expected of those who follow him, and understanding the way that Jesus asks us to live in the world, there are many people who don't even try, they simply don't think it's possible to live in the way that Jesus tells us in the Gospel that we must live. Many people, and indeed many ecclesial communities, will tell us that they are all about living out the compassion of Christ, but the moral standards that he asks of us are another matter. Many people have come to believe a false theology that says that they can be saved regardless of what they do or how they act because at one time they made a sincere commitment to Jesus Christ. Those good people have it wrong… it is precisely because we make a commitment to Jesus Christ that we are expected to live the way that he has told us he wants his followers to live.

It is easy for any other member of the clergy to share the message of today's Gospel. It is quite another thing to live that Gospel out. How can we be expected to live in this way that Jesus describes here, in today's society and culture? there is only one way, and that is to allow ourselves to be open to God's grace in our lives to give us the help we need to live the life that Christ expects of us. We can be open to God's Grace by going to regular confession, and confessing our sins, we can live a fully sacramental life, we can be open to God's Grace by praying for strength to overcome our weaknesses and sins.

If we truly want a relationship with Jesus Christ, that involves accepting his Lordship over all things, including our life, and that means praying daily for God to give you the Graces you need through the sacraments. God's commands are not grievous, and he gives us the means before our very eyes in the Sacraments.

If we want to be as holy as Christ wishes us to be, we need to begin living a sacramental life, a life of prayer according to our station in life. If we are open to God's mercy and to his Grace, if we are willing to receive the gifts that he has for us, he can give us the grace to live exactly how he expects all of us to live, and to obey the moral law that he set down for all of us.

If we are truly open to a relationship with Jesus Christ, he will give us the strength we need to live the Gospel each and every day, in every aspect of our lives, including the strength to keep His Commandments.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Homily for the Presentation of the Lord

Malachi 3:1-4
Hebrews 2:14-18
Luke 2:22-40
The feast of the Presentation of the Lord commemorates the day that the infant Jesus was presented in the Temple in Jerusalem, and during these rites he would likely have received the ritual circumcision which the law required. Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple to dedicate him and his life to the God who sent him.

Very fittingly, on the old Roman calendar it was this feast day which concluded the Christmas season. For centuries, people would take their household candles to be blessed on this feast day, for not only is this a beautiful symbol of the light of Christ, but for much of the Church's existence, the humble candle was the primary means of light in anyone's home. Because candles were traditionally blessed today, this feast received the name by which it became known in the English-speaking world for many centuries: Candlemas. 

Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to the temple and offered a sacrifice in accordance with the Law of Moses, and they consecrated Jesus to the Lord, just as the law commanded. Once again we see the example set very early on in the Life of Christ that obedience is a critical part of the virtue of a life that is at one with God. In obedience to the commands of God, Mary and Joseph dedicated Jesus to God In His Holy house. 

When they arrive there, they are given yet another sign of just exactly who Jesus is, in an infancy that was full of signs and symbols which very much put into the reality that Jesus was and is the Messiah and the Son of God. Simeon, a man who scripture calls righteous (or just) and devout, believed God that he would not die until he had seen Christ, and he recognized Christ in this little baby which had been brought into the temple by his parents. He said that Jesus would be the "downfall and rise of many in Israel," but he also issued a prophetic warning to the Blessed Mother that a sword would pierce her heart, owing to the reality that the Messiah would die and that the Blessed Mother would be witness to this. 

We know that aside from our very redemption by the Lord, as well as the loving desire on the part of God to again be close to man who he created in his own image, another reason which Christ came into the world was to set the example for us of just how it is that God expects us to live. One of the most important virtues which Jesus teaches us, and which the actions of the Blessed Mother and St Joseph re-enforce, is the extremely important virtue of obedience.

Obedience is not a word that we, as a society and as a culture, like to hear much today, yet obedience is exactly what the Holy Spirit repeatedly calls us to in the pages of Sacred Scripture. The Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple, and the events which occur during this particular mystery of Our Lord's life, serve as an example and a testimony to us that from the very beginning of Jesus's life, He and His family on Earth practiced the virtue of obedience before God, and set the example for us, as we are called to imitate Christ.

Obedience is not something that is always easy, and let's face it, being obedient to God and to the Church is not always something that goes down well when we have to swallow some bitter spiritual or ecclesiastical medicine (I think that there are plenty of priests and not a few deacons who can verify that). However, no matter what our state is in life, or in the Church, we are called to a spirit of humility, and a spirit of what used to be bluntly called the fear of the Lord. We are all called to an obedient attitude toward what God asks of each of us, and what His Church asks of each of us.

Let us pray for the spirit of obedience and piety that Mary and Joseph had when they came to the Temple with the baby Jesus, and for the grace to be obedient to the Church's teachings, and through the witness of our faithfulness, we can help spread the good news of Jesus to the ends of the Earth.